habits — Blog — Nurtured Healing


From Managing Stress to Influencing It - Part 1

From Managing Stress to Influencing It - Part 1

Work pressure, trouble with family or friends, juggling responsibilities, and overwhelming emotions - any of these things can cause stress.

Stress is real and it can result in mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. What if instead of just managing life's stressors you could influence how your body responds? This blog series will explore why stress happens as well as body-based practices that can influence and calm the body's stress response.

It's Not About Willpower: 5 Things You Need to Change Habits - Part 4

It's Not About Willpower: 5 Things You Need to Change Habits - Part 4

While there are plenty of mistakes we make when it comes to changing habits, our willpower is not the problem. The issue is skipping the foundational things that help cement the change into our lives. In this blog series, we will explore the five things you need in place when changing your habits.