Personal Power — Blog — Nurtured Healing

Personal Power

3 Strategies to Counter Stress

3 Strategies to Counter Stress


At work, it can be triggered by…

  • Long work hours

  • An unexpected, firm email from your boss

  • A call from a client pulling out due to budget cuts

  • Demanding or misaligned expectations

  • Deadlines

Many things can bring it on and some days it may seem like everything is playing a role. Is it just an inevitable part of work? Or life?

3 Strategies to Get Better at Life Change

3 Strategies to Get Better at Life Change

We can spend a great deal of effort trying to avoid change. But as human beings, it's impossible to avoid the inevitable life transitions we will face.

Friendships begin and end.

Relationships begin and end.

School begins and ends.

Jobs begin and end.

Your housing changes.

Sometimes it's slow and barely noticeable. Other times the change can come suddenly and unexpectedly.

Sorry, No One is Coming to Save You and Other Enlightening Truths

Sorry, No One is Coming to Save You and Other Enlightening Truths

I know, I know. It sounds completely depressing. But hear me out. Understanding that no one is coming to save you can actually be an eye-opening and empowering truth.

I’ll be honest, when I first realized this it sent me into a bit of a tailspin.

What about the doctors, the therapists, outside experts, and resources, like prescriptions? Surely one of them has the answers. Surely one of them could fix me and my life, right?


Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself: Do These 3 Things Instead

Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself: Do These 3 Things Instead

Do you have a habit of “shoulding” all over yourself?

I should eat better…

I should exercise…

I should go to bed earlier…

I should call them…

I should spend more time…

I should be more organized…

I should have or haven’t [insert something in the past].

And the list goes on and on.

Sarah Rainwater, Founder and Creative Director of Studio Rainwater and design mastermind at the Instagram account, @accidentalgeometery illustrated it and said it best when she said:

‘Should’ feels like too tight tube socks, cutting off circulation and causing all the uncomfortable itches.