The Habit of Gratitude — Nurtured Healing

The Habit of Gratitude


Most likely you already express gratitude by saying “thank you” when someone does something for you. I find that it’s easiest to be grateful when an action warrants an expression of gratitude.

Another way to express gratitude is to focus on what you have versus what you want or don’t have. This will take some practice because of our brain’s natural negativity bias.

One of my favorite ways to bring more gratitude into my life is to use the practice of “savoring” the good moments. Savoring is the ability to notice, and appreciate the positive experiences we encounter. It’s a simple practice that when wired in as a habit can have a major impact.

Dr. Rick Hanson refers to the practice as “Take in the Good.” He suggests that by “tilting toward the good” we can bring more happiness into our own life and helpfulness into the lives of others. His research and the research of his colleagues suggest that repeated mental activity, such as savoring, can actually change the brain for the good. As the saying goes,

“Neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Unfortunately, most of us fall into the trap of waiting for something. The “I’ll be happy when…” mentality. This just defers our happiness. Savoring allows you to find the goodness in life right now. Taking the time to acknowledge what’s going right in your life can be beneficial.

If you find yourself appreciating something, try to close your eyes and focus on the feeling of the situation for 30 seconds. This helps your body wire it in. Another way to do this is to use all of your senses to engage with the situation. Tune in to the the sounds you hear, the sights you see, the aromas you smell, and your sensation of touch.

Whatever approach you choose, savoring on a regular basis can help you prolong the positive experience, absorb the positive feelings and deliberately enhance the good things in your life, no matter how small.

Where do you see this practice fitting in to your life? At home, at work or at play? I’d love for you to send me an email and let me know -